Thursday, 3 May 2012

A joyful experience...!

Though we could not include all the teachers in our 'Funschool' session, but what a wonderful experience it has been to see our beloved teachers so much excited and in a fun mood. It actually seemed as if these were small few children passing their time and having a great masti and fun together. Not only the teachers, but we, Team Funschool and other few students who were present as audience also had a great time. It was a moment of pride and happiness to give them those colourful chits, to give them chocolates as their rewards, to see them acting and singing, and sharing some great moments of laughter. It was a unique experience for all of us here in Team Funschool.

All of us had a great time to put in our hardwork for making posters, arranging gifts, creating this blog, deciding games, having the pilots and experiencing the event in person. We all feel t.hat it had paid off really well. It was not only our PR campaign, but more than that

Indeed, the 'Funschool' has given us moments to cherish through our life. The fact that the teachers shared their chocolates with us and thanked us with their kind us a feeling of great joy. Our objective of giving the teachers, a relaxing and enjoyable session was successful and we are really happy about it. Thank you for your support, we hope to bring more such sessions for you in the future...

Team Funschool!